Please answer these questions honestly as you can. I have zero judgement. I am here to help not judge and criticize. Ive done some fucked up things in my life, so you are not alone. 1. - List all the good things in your life. * ( Kids, family, job, money, security, friends, things you are really good at..etc.) 2- What is your why? What do YOU believe your purpose for being alive is? * Type the first thing that comes to your mind! ( If you can't think of anything that's okay I'm going to help you find that! ) 3- What is holding you back in life? Is it yourself? A partner? Scared of failure? * Be honest here! 4- What are you struggling with right now? * Life just weighing on you? Insecurity issue? Money problems? Just feel lost? Don't hold back. 5. Who are you right now? * This can be a tough one to answer. Do your best. Thank you! I CANNOT wait to help you!